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Developing the Data Platform

There is a lot of technical tooling we use when developing the Analytical and Data Platforms.

To ease the onboarding process, we have created a dev container that contains all the tools you need to get up and running.

This implementation of the dev container is designed to have repositories cloned into it under the persistent workspace /home/vscode/workspace. Once we begin our journey to the monorepo, this should become redundant, but that means that right now, it is not intended to use this with GitHub Codespaces.

Getting Started


  • macOS

  • Homebrew

    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  • 1Password

    You will need to request access to 1Password via Operations Engineering.

    brew install 1password
  • Docker

    If you are have an Apple Silicon Mac, you will need to enable Rosetta emulation, see Docker’s documentation for more information.

    brew install --cask docker
  • Node

    brew install node
  • Dev Container CLI

    sudo npm install --location=global @devcontainers/cli@latest
  • Visual Studio Code

    brew install --cask visual-studio-code
  • Dev Containers Visual Studio Code Extension

    /Applications/Visual\ Studio\ --install-extension ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers


Your GPG and SSH agents are mounted from macOS, so GPG and SSH commands inside the container should work without any configuration updates

We recommend using 1Password to manage your SSH keys, and this document will reflect that

  1. Follow 1Password’s instructions on how to setup SSH keys and their SSH agent (link)

If you already have an existing key, you can add it to 1Password (link) and skip to step 3 of 1Password’s instructions.

  1. Permanently set SSH_AUTH_SOCK by adding the following to your ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc file

    export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=~/Library/Group\ Containers/
  2. Clone the Data Platform repository


      mkdir -p ~/Developer/
      git clone ~/Developer/

  3. Open the Data Platform repository in Visual Studio Code


      cd ~/Developer/
      /Applications/Visual\ Studio\ .

  4. Open the Visual Studio Code Command Palette using Shift-Command-P

  5. Run Dev Container: Reopen in Container

  6. Wait for the container to build, it may take 5 to 10 minutes

  7. Open a new terminal window in Visual Studio Code using Control-Shift-Backtick

  8. Clone the Data Platform repository (this time its inside the container)


      mkdir --parents ${HOME}/workspace/
      git clone ${HOME}/workspace/


When new functionality is added you will need to rebuild the container, to do this:

  1. Pull the latest changes from the Data Platform repository on the host machine


      cd ~/Developer/
      git fetch
      git pull

  2. Open the Data Platform repository in Visual Studio Code


      cd ~/Developer/
      /Applications/Visual\ Studio\ .

  3. Open the Visual Studio Code Command Palette using Shift-Command-P

  4. Run Dev Container: Rebuild and Reopen in Container


Tools are bundled into features that focus on one area of functionality, e.g. AWS, Kubernetes, and Terraform

You can find the full feature list here, but documentation on a select few can be found below


We use pre-commit to run checks on our code before it is committed

Once you’ve cloned the Data Platform repository, you can install the pre-commit hooks using the following command:

pre-commit install


We use EditorConfig to maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs

AWS Vault

Our AWS accounts are accessed using AWS IAM Identity Center. A curated AWS configuration file is provided as part of the AWS feature

You can see the configuration file here

In its current form, it only offers AdministratorAccess level access (if you have access to it), but we hope to add more granular access in the future


We host our own EKS clusters in the Analytical and Data Platforms. A curated Kubernetes configuration file is provided as part of the Kubernetes feature

You can see the configuration file here

The provided configuration file handles authentication to EKS clusters using AWS Vault.

Cloud Platform Authentication

Rebuilding the dev container will reset the Kubernetes configuration file, so you’ll need to authenticate again.

  1. Login to Cloud Platform Kuberos (

  2. Obtain the command from “Authenticate Manually”

  3. Replace your Auth0 email with the generic auth0 user

    kubectl config set-credentials "auth0" \
      --auth-provider=oidc \
      --auth-provider-arg=client-id="..." \
      --auth-provider-arg=client-secret="..." \
      --auth-provider-arg=id-token="..." \
      --auth-provider-arg=refresh-token="..." \
  4. Set Cloud Platform to the current context

    kubectl config use-context

Developing a Feature


  1. Run the script

    bash scripts/devcontainer/ ${FEATURE_NAME}


  1. Build the base image

    docker build --file .devcontainer/features/test/Dockerfile --tag devcontainer .
  2. Run the container

    docker run -it --rm \
     --volume $( pwd ):/workspace \
     --volume $( pwd )/.devcontainer/features/src/base/devcontainer-utils:/usr/local/bin/devcontainer-utils \
  3. Run the script

    bash -x /workspace/.devcontainer/features/src/<feature>/install-<tool>.sh

devcontainer Settings


You can populate your devcontainer with personal dotfiles by adding them to a personal public repository called dotfiles. An example of this can be seen here. This configuration is defined here.

This page was last reviewed on 10 August 2023. It needs to be reviewed again on 10 February 2024 by the page owner #data-platform-notifications .
This page was set to be reviewed before 10 February 2024 by the page owner #data-platform-notifications. This might mean the content is out of date.